There are more than 40 regional and small airports around the UK.
These airports handle both public and private air transport, and have all faced economic and growth challenges caused by the recent pandemic.
Today, these airports represent a significant service to their local areas and economies, both in terms of general flight provision and as regional cargo hubs, delivering a valuable additional income stream, and supporting the transportation of goods into communities.
Airport expansion is considered to be an expensive business. But with the right approach, the right solutions provider and the right product, regional airports can introduce cargo operations faster and with lower costs.
Additionally, airports are currently preparing to meet new security regulations set out by the CAA/UK Department for Transport. These regulations require the use of CT X-ray technology to improve security images and detection, with the aim of allowing passengers to carry items such as liquid in hand luggage. Again, meeting these regulations appears at first glance to be expensive and at times difficult to physically accommodate – but there are swift and cost-effective solutions already working at airports in the UK that have addressed these issues without compromising compliance.