TEXO has offset its total carbon footprint for the financial year 2020-21 to become certified as a Carbon Neutral Business by Carbon Neutral Britain.
This certification shows that TEXO’s approach has been independently assessed and accredited, using calculations that follow the ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol Emissions Standard’s principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency and accuracy.
“We are delighted to partner with TEXO to help identify and offset their environmental impact for 2021 and beyond,” says James Poynter, Director at Carbon Neutral Britain, which awards certification for 12 months and makes further recommendations to help organisations reduce their carbon footprint.
The assessment covers three types of emissions:
Scope 1 (Direct emissions)
Activities owned or controlled by the organisation that release emissions straight into the atmosphere.
For manufacturing business these would be emissions from equipment and machinery used in production. Businesses that own or lease vehicles are also included within scope 1.
Scope 2 (Energy indirect)
Emissions being released into the atmosphere associated with the consumption of purchased electricity, heat, steam and cooling. These are indirect emissions that are a consequence of the organisation’s activities – but occur at sources that the business does not own or control.
These emissions would be the energy usage by the organisation and staff working at the business, or from home.
Scope 3 (Other indirect)
Emissions that are a consequence of business activity, which occur at sources which are not owned or controlled, which are not classed as scope 2 emissions.
Scope 3 emissions can be quite broad, including areas such as waste management, business travel, staff commuting, events, data usage, and the emissions produced from delivery to and from the organisation (including third party delivery services).
“It has been a revelation to work with Carbon Neutral Britain,” says Chris Smith, Group Managing Director at TEXO. “By breaking down our emissions in this way, we can see where we have most negative impact, and that is helping us to plan our journey towards net zero by 2032. Working with Carbon Neutral Britain has given us invaluable insights, and we will continue working with them to offset future emissions and to see how we can change our working practices to reduce them overall.”