Samantha has been part of TEXO family since it was formed in 2019. In the last 4 years, Samantha has provided HR direction to all 8 service branches of the company.
Prior to her role at TEXO, Sam worked on projects for numerous blue-chip clients across multiple sectors.
A highly skilled and committed HR professional, Sam Csorba had climbed the ladder and brought a wealth of expertise to TEXO at a particularly challenging time. Sam was quick to adapt and respond to the changing needs of TEXO’s staff during the early days of the global pandemic.
Always ready to support managers, but with a strategic approach built on company values, Sam has an intimate understanding about the ways people work together, perform, and grow. Her knowledgeable and supportive style has been invaluable to the TEXO Group as a whole, and to all the staff individually.
“Sam’s been a rock through the big changes and developments inside TEXO during the last few years,” says MD Chris Smith. “She brought incredible breadth of experience with her. Sam shared our vision for a united team and she’s always been people-facing, ready to hear a different perspective… Sam’s been my right-hand HR manager over the years, and she’ll be very sadly missed.”
Chris Smith